Hi, would you like more small business owner and decision maker leads at a lower cost? Currently http://GetMoreBusinessLeadsNow.com is offering our popular unlimited lead generation software package - at a reduced price for a limited time.
Download and install now to be building databases of leads in minutes:
The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack works by automatically visting yellow page directories and building a database according to your search terms. Other software in the pack then finds emails, phone numbers, and other details for that database. The results can be used for email, cold-calling, direct mail, or to sell immediately - priced per lead. Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux with multiple job and VPN/proxy support. Similar software retails for over $100 with less features.
This pack is only available on sale as a short promotional offer, please download now if at all interested.
Click Here: http://GetMoreBusinessLeadsNow.com
Have a Great Day,
The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack Team
We have hacked your webs te http://www.greenhousefur.com and extracted your databases.
How d d this happen?
Our team has found a vulnerability within your s te that we were able to exploit. After f nding the vulnerab l ty we were able to get your database credent als and extract your ent re database and move the informat on to an offshore server.
What does this mean?
We w ll systemat cally go through a ser es of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database w ll be leaked or sold to the h ghest bidder which they w ll use with whatever their ntentions are. Next if there are e-ma ls found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your site http://www.greenhousefur.com was at fault thusly damag ng your reputat on and hav ng angry customers/assoc ates w th whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any l nks that you have indexed in the search eng nes will be de- ndexed based off of blackhat techn ques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.
How do i stop th s?
We are w lling to refra n from destroying your site_s reputation for a small fee. The current fee s $3000 in b tcoins (BTC).
Please send the b tcoin to the following B tco n address (Make sure to copy and paste):
Once you have pa d we will automat cally get informed that t was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment w th n 5 days after rece v ng this e-mail or the database leak, e-ma ls d spatched, and de-index of your site WiLL start!
How do i get B tco ns?
You can easily buy bitcoins via several webs tes or even offl ne from a Bitcoin-ATM.
What if don_t pay?
f you dec de not to pay, we w ll start the attack at the ndicated date and uphold t unt l you do, there_s no counter measure to th s, you will only end up wast ng more money try ng to f nd a solution. We w ll completely destroy your reputat on amongst google and your customers.
Th s s not a hoax, do not reply to th s email, don_t try to reason or negot ate, we w ll not read any repl es. Once you have pa d we w ll stop what we were do ng and you will never hear from us again!
Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one w ll f nd out that you have complied.
Desmond Rylah
主 题:
RE: Magazine Feature
My name is Johanna Angman and I am contacting you on behalf of Giejo Magazine. Following several recommendations by our readers, we would be delighted to feature greenhousefur.com in our monthly Spotlight section of the magazine where we talk about entrepreneurs with a view to inspiring others.
Please could you send me a unique article detailing the journey of greenhousefur.com and its founders? This is the structure I am siding towards (it is not hard and fast):
- Business Name and what it does
- Founder's/Owner's story and what motivated them to start the business
- The challenges the business/market is facing
- The opportunities the business/market is facing
- Advice to others about business
It would be great if you could include images of the founder and the business. Please compress them as much as possible. Videos are also welcome.
Please aim to make the article around 1,500 to 2,000 words long to ensure the requisite degree of quality. Ensure that you use proper H2 to H3 headings.
You can add up to four do-follow backlinks to your business inside the article.
The deadline isn't strict but ideally, it's within two weeks. The outlet is https://shopgiejo.com/ More than 90% of our audience is based in the US.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best wishes
Johanna Angman
Giejo Magazine
433 Plaza Real Suite 339 Suite 339, Boca Raton, FL 33432